Message from CAO Kolenosky to Marten Beach Residents
On July 26, 2022, Chief Administrative Officer Barry Kolenosky sent a letter to Marten Beach residents to apprise them on the status of the MD's flood mitigation planning and lobbying activities. Review the content of this letter below.
On behalf of Reeve Kerik and Council of the Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124 (MDLSR), I would like to provide property owners within the Hamlet of Marten Beach an update of the Marten Beach Flood Disaster Risk Management Strategy.
Thank you to all owners and residents who participated in the June 24 open house, whether in-person or virtual. Your comments and feedback were noted and well-received.
In addition to the exceptional expertise of Associated Engineering and their broader team of consultants, Council and Administration are diligently working towards a satisfactory resolution of the task at hand. This will not only be for the affected residents but an option that will provide the basis of a sustainable funding and an area development procedural model.
“Council and Administration are diligently working towards a satisfactory resolution of the task at hand.”
— Barry Kolenosky, CAO
Assessing timings and tasks, Council is initially targeting September 14, 2022, as the possible date when they may be able to publicly release the selected option/model and the next steps of implementation.
If the situation changes, the MD will ensure this is communicated to property owners within the Marten Beach community.
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